Tuesday, February 15, 2011

new business!

It closed! Only the fourth time a closing was scheduled, and it finally closed -- we have a new company! It's called Alcor PetroLab, located in Fort Worth and San Antonio. It's a testing lab for fuel and lubricants.

My feelings on all this are perhaps too personal to blast on a blog, but suffice it to say that I'm very proud of my fabulous husband. He's been planning for this day as long as I've known him. Congratulations! Parabens! Blahoprani!


Q said...

Way to go Nathan, I know you'll be successful!

Susan said...

Félicitations! Hope you're planning to take him out to dinner and give him "the speech." And, of course, we'll want to do that next time we visit!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations to you both!!