Nate was browsing on Amazon last week and discovered that one of the top sellers at the time was ...
wait for it ...
Pride and Prejudice and ZombiesI'm not joking. Maybe you kids who live in the great US of A know all about this, but if not, this book is a combination of the original text (Austen's stuff is out of copyright
obviously) and modern zombie fiction. Eliza and Darcy with lots of zombies, blood, and who knows what else. I do think it's pretty funny, but worth reading? Not.
Here's something else funny on drudge report today. A woman was arrested for neglecting her kid's teeth! I'm probably next, although we do have dentist appointments next week. Anyway, I love drudge report, and Matt Drudge loves to feature stories with shocking headlines, even if the story itself is a dud. This story, of course, is a sad one. I'm sure the little girl was truly in a bad way, and I'm glad she's getting the help she needs now.
A couple of weeks ago, M was playing bionicles or power rescue or something where he was more or less a superhero. His name? Barack Obama, pronounced with a strange Czechish accent:
O-bama. He didn't know who that was, just thought the name sounded like a superhero. Or not.